Well-Cell Healing Tape Transcript (with Guided Techniques)

Well-Cell Healing Tape Transcript 1997

By Ariel Browne, PhD


Hello, my friends. My name is Ariel Browne. I am the founder and co-director of AUR-IENTATION INTEGRAL HEALING CENTER in Atlanta, Georgia.

          I want to tell you right at the outset that this is a very personal tape. It incorporates many stories and experiences which have been essential to my lifelong learning from the divine, sacred biological cells. On this, what might be called a cellular life-path, I came to the Divine Mother, and through Her, to my own beloved soul. The point of this tape is not to take you in a scientific direction, to belabor you with facts about the constituencies of the cell or its biological idiosyncrasies, although these facts are interesting and even compelling. The point of this tape is to stir your cells, to evoke your own bio-cellular communication…and, I hope, stories. I hope you will use this tape again and again to go into your own being (more than body, being incorporates soul, energy fields in all their bodies, spiritual essence, and life-purpose) and learn to communicate with the sacred emissaries of The Divine Mother – the biological and subtle cells.

          On Side A of this audiotape, this side, I will explain WELL CELL and share its history and raison d’être with you. On Side B, I will actually go through a 45-minute WELL CELL meditation using guided imagery and incorporating all the parts and steps which I use in WELL CELL healing groups and in individual sessions of WELL CELL. I use this technique myself and find it inestimably valuable. It is also an evolving (that is, growing and progressing) self-healing system. The Divine Mother is my teacher through Her sacred beings, the cells. I listen very carefully and follow Her guidance through them. Changes can occur, new realizations, a recognition of something which was not observed before. Circuit Touch (or C-Touch) is an example. I am a Reiki healing practitioner. I use touch all the time as I do healing in the cellular manner; I quite naturally place healing hands on the body. I quite naturally suggest that clients put hands on themselves, making that touch circuit between the fifth relational/ communication) chakra and their own body thus encircling, making round, coming around to Her in their own gestural ritual. The cells helped me notice the important effect of that healing circuit touch to them. Thus, this second tape was necessary, a revision of the first “CELL-TALK” tape, created in 1994.

I want to share with you, on this audiotape, the WELL CELL self-healing system. WELL CELL is a self-healing system which shows you how to contact and listen to your own bio-cells using their innate wisdom to guide you in healing yourself. WELL CELL incorporates prayer sharing, C-touch (or Circuit touch), cell-conscious breathing, forgiveness process, cellular meditation, CELL-TALK, bio-cellular guidance and discernment meditation in the acknowledged context of The Divine Mother.

          WELL CELL is based on the premise that wellness is a state of being grounded in matter’s essential holiness. Our body (all material forms and bodies) is rooted in Divine Mother: Matter’s root is Mater (Latin for Mother). The tenderness, acceptance, forgiveness and embrace of the Divine Mother in every cell can be recovered in the WELL CELL experience.

WELL CELL is an original, simple system which anyone can use to access the in-dwelling biological wisdom of his or her own body to self-heal, or to reestablish the natural well being of the body and being. We are already capable of attuning to inner wisdom. It has been part of spiritual parlance to refer to the “still, small voice within.” It is now becoming common to hear reference to the “inner voice.” We also hear reference to the skill of “listening to your own body,” or we refer to “the body’s guidance.” Essentially, it comes down to our soul and our biological cells. WELL CELL is definitely about the sacred communication of our soul and our biological, sacred cells.

WELL CELL and CELL-TALK came about in a simple, quite literally childlike manner. As a little child, I saw and communicated with biological cells. Then, of course, I communicated innocently, unselfconsciously. I was clairvoyant, like so many children are, and unacknowledged. The endless flow-fields of biological cells, everywhere present, were life energy’s rippling fabric, which I observed. I saw energy fields as well. Whether I observed my brother and sisters, our goats, the lake, the trees I climbed, our driveway, the sky, my drawings, the cars passing our home, the air…I always saw streams and streams of cells, like ever so many gaseous brooks with their lovely colors – pinks, light greens, lavender, yellow, tan, light blue, very light colors like stream-threads all making a big weaving of matter and always flowing, night and day, hour after hour, never ceasing (yes, one can see, or sense, biological cells night AND day).

These are my words now. I did not question or go into any depth then, as a child. I just enjoyed, and even took for granted, moving through and in the multi-dimensional, stream-like weaving of my material world. It seemed to me then that cells were endless, an abundance of beings located, in their consciousness, somewhere between me and …well, ants.

Biological cells did and do, communicate. I have heard their communication and observed it all my life. It is a delicate piping, a small voice, but powerful indeed because it speaks like a sound spoken into and through all flesh. It is a vibratory voice, this communication of cells. It is not only delicately auditory, it is visual, imagistic and felt.

I was interested in biological cells as a child because I was enthralled with their beauty, and I was very lonely. Their way of being all in a group and flowing together all the time, made me feel safe and comfortable. It gave me confidence. It anchored me in the natural world. I was homeschooled and I did not have much contact with other children. The biological cells, in their fantastic rhythmic weaving and streaming, influenced me toward dance. I could dance with them in perfect innocence. Wherever I whirled, they whirled in and through me. They were inside me and outside me, and it was all the same.   If I bent and turned, if I reached, they were always with me. It was the perfect synchrony and coordination.

Later in life, when I left my parents’ school, I realized I was functioning on a very different level than the rest of humanity: seeing energy fields, for God’s sake! At that point, I tried to suppress my ability to see subtle energy. For a while, I thought I could fit in with society but there was – IS – no forgetting the biological cells. Everywhere is matter and all matter is cellular. You cannot find matter without encountering the darling, sacred beings (YES, I do mean beings!) which constitute matter, namely – CELLS! We are not referring to atoms here, nor molecules or quarks. All of these components of matter are interesting and relatively quantifiable. But cells are the essential building blocks of matter. They have the membrane, the body, the mind, the communication system, the sensing ability, the curiosity, the responsiveness, the reproductivity, the digestion, the ability to manufacture energy, the familiarity, the discernment, and the ability – when needed – to defend themselves. They are so like us; WE are so like them…except, in this crucial regard. Biological cells do not have personal ego. That is a crucial difference between them and us. They do what they are told…it would appear by the Soul, although no one really knows what force directs the cells, while we human body-beings, made up of cells, fight, resist, withdraw, deny, go numb, “just say No,” suppress, block and defend. Are our tasks the same? Yes, absolutely! The human task is to live. The biological cells’ task is to live. But biological cells go about their task of living differently than human beings. Biological cells follow the Divine Mother absolutely, unswervingly, unerringly, without argument. Human beings, in our ego maneuvers, personalize and question what we sense or know as inner wisdom.  We often go against that profound voice of the Divine Mother and therein lies our downfall: our stress, our sickness, our dis-ease, our pain, our separation. The Divine Mother is always so intimate to us. In each and every cell, she has placed Her emissary personally charged with living breath, energy, force and wisdom: that spark of Soul called  DNA. In that spark, and radiating from it, is the exquisite sacred reflection which follows Her and does Her bidding. This is why, specifically why, we want to bestir ourselves, stepping out of the binding nature of our personal egos like stiff, too tight clothing. We want to hear Her and follow Her. She is with us in every moment in the essence of our beings. She and Divine Father (the He and She Forces which make up this marvelous Universe of Light and Form) want us here. If they did not, we would dissolve immediately. Our form, after all, is essentially light-energy. We only have to go to our nearest micron spectroscope to establish that. We are light, formed by dense and intense vibration into an illusion called solid matter. Behind this miraculous formation of bodies out of light-energy/subtle energy is the Divine intention, which we can only infer. Without this Divine intention, we would be constituent parts, free energy, part of those streaming flows of subtle cells which I saw as a child, and still see, and which you sense too in some way particular and personal to you and the Divine Mother.

I started searching for a way to convey biological cellular communication when I was overcome with gratitude for the second time in my life. The first gratitude occurred when I was blessed with an extraordinary son, a soul of such wisdom, love and tenderness that I was transformed by parenting him as well as by learning from him. I still am (although he is now, himself, a parent).

I was overcome with gratitude when I found the Divine Mother, The Mother of The Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India. She was a Turkish-French woman (family name: Mirra Alfassa), who grew up in Paris in the late nineteenth century. I never actually met Her in physical body. I traveled to India in 1983 with my son and visited, for the first time, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville, the City of the Future, which The Mother envisioned. The Mother had gone into Mahasamadhi in 1973; her spiritual collaborator, Sri Aurobindo, had entered Mahasamadhi in 1950. Nonetheless, I found Her there aurically and spiritually in an immense subtle Presence centered somehow, although vast as the world, and beyond, at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. There I was given a book to read called The Mind of the Cells, by Satprem, Mother’s communicant. It described Her 40 years of living research into Her own body and through Her body, like a window, into the cellular fabric of the earth. It is a fantastic story, a living exegesis of a spiritual master’s work to consciously communicate with biological cells, to both reveal the sacred nature of cells and invest them with it, to thereby raise the consciousness of matter and positively transform matter from the inside out, with no iota left untouched, unloved or unaccepted. Reading this book brought Her touch into me. I was taken up into Her loving being in a way for which I had been desperately searching all my life. My own troubled and lost giftedness became focused then. At the same time, I felt myself coming home as a being, in the most wholistic fashion. I also felt myself receiving, once again, my soul’s mission, which was to serve Her with utter surrender, follow Her guidance, give up my willfulness, lose my mind and know myself as Her instrument, invested with holiness and sacred purpose. Well, it was too tall an order to realize in one fell swoop, but I had the wherewithal to be, at least, immensely, meltingly grateful.

Upon returning from that journey, I had the inner drive to share what I knew about cellular communication. After reading the Mind Of The Cells, many insights I had been gathering all my life coalesced: from the simple act of observing bio-cells, listening to their guidance when I could, letting myself be entertained by them (oh, they are the greatest fun!), learning from my wise son’s insights about his experience with matter’s sacredness. When I realized The Mother had been with me all the time, unacknowledged, the spring of innate thanksgiving broke forth, it poured out of me, and I did not know what to do with it.

I prayed to The Mother. I asked Her to guide me in interpreting Her teaching to people in the West, people who were linear, not horizontal. In the East, spirituality seems more aspirational, more devotional. In the West, spirituality seems mental, dogmatic, horizontal and structural. Western spiritual teachings tell us to think of the heavens as Nirvana, to anticipate escaping the mortal coil of the body, the earth and all its fatal seductions. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo spoke decisively against this. They said their work was to help the world realize the Divine in the body, to bring the soul forward in the body, to transform life and matter so that it could experience living Truth-Consciousness, embodied, rather than through death. They described physical embodiment as the vehicle of an involved transformation.

“The inconscience of Matter cannot be an insuperable obstacle, for in this inconscience can be detected an involved consciousness which has to evolve; life and mind are steps and instruments of that evolution…not using thought like the mind but guided by something like an inherent material instinct practically infallible in all its steps, not yet cognitive but miraculously creative.”    The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo, p.368

The Mother called this material intelligence “the mind of the cells.” We may draw on this intelligence because She is with us, because She demonstrated it and because we are evolving at such a rapid rate that we are beyond our own anticipated results or even safety net. We are in the New Being in our own bodies. How did we get here? For many of us, dis-ease, sickness, infirmity or even depression has shunted us into our own sacred cellular territory. Carl Gustav Jung, the great Austrian psychiatrist, described depression as an opportunity to enter the Shadow realm, the unconscious, to discover the real Self, the Soul.

Sickness pressured me beyond academic, abstract study into a deeper communion with my cells in 1995. I made special, heartfelt supplication for the Divine Mother’s help when I experienced the terrifyingly acute symptoms of colon cancer. From 1995 – 1997, during fearsome colon surgeries, working with several doctors who struggled with me to grasp the CELL-TALK concept, my own sacred cells reflected back to me unerring guidance in healing a colonic polyp. Doctors told me that if I did not allow them to remove a piece of my colon, the resulting cancer would be fatal. Part of the polyp was removed surgically but my inner guidance was clear: That is all which is required. The rest is under The Mother’s care. Many people thought I was foolish…even stupid. But the journey has been marvelous.

Using CELL TALK, and developing out of this experience the WELL CELL self-healing system, the terrible physical symptoms have diminished to a status of peace and healing. The colon polyp, an unusual cellular formation which gestures decisively, one might even say irrevocably, when I fall below a certain self-loving threshold in relation to sleep, the food or drink I imbibe, the amount of stress I accept, the level of spiritual closeness I give myself to The Divine, has diminished although its reason for being remains. I listen to it through WELL CELL. I visit it, and all my body’s cells, through WELL CELL. I engage in almost daily healing rituals in which I use CELL-TALK for active direction in cellular healing with my colon. The interventions which occur are often remarkable, miraculous, creatively imaginative yet always practical and grounded. It is the real matter of my potential fatal disease in which I engage. That in itself brings a charge, a compelling demand, to this process of self- engagement and self-healing. But more than that…and, yes, there must be more than that, is the adoration and gratitude I experience in this process which is also spiritual practice right in the blood, flesh and even shit of my own body, because I find Her everywhere. I find the sacredness of Her body everywhere in me. She, our beloved Divine Mother, does not shy away from any part of us. She IS us. So in this self-healing, I am turned into Her miraculous capability, Her mutability, Her procreativity and I am exploring it with Her. It does not matter, really, where it goes. There is no goal, just surrender to Her in the adventure of this embodiment, as She would have it be.

So, let us embark now on to WELL CELL, the practice of it, so you too may experience the adventure of your own beloved, sacred cells. Just as I have told you my story, you will discover through this process your own healing story. I am anxious to hear it and I hope you will share it.

On Side B of this audio tape, you will be guided through (1) prayer sharing: inwardly request that your imagination be activated in the Divine Mother’s presence and that you receive the Grace to authentically connect with and be guided by your own sacred, divine cells. The great body of golden cells you encounter may be led by shaman cells, or guide cells. These shaman or guide cells may appear bigger than the other bio-cells; (2) CIRCUIT TOUCH or C-Touch, a conscious laying-on of one’s own hands on one’s own body as if The Divine Mother is ever so tenderly touching you; (3) cell-conscious breathing (see attached sheet: “Cellular Healing Breathwork”) for help in shifting your focus from outward-facing ego, entrusting self to inner sacred matter (observable as gold, sparkling vibratory matter, something like a huge inner star-field). Cell-Conscious Breathing incorporates (4) FORGIVENESS PROCESS, taught and exemplified by The Mother of Pondicherry. She lifted up Her arms and hands, saying, “my identity with the supreme keeps growing while I simultaneously seem to be going down into the most incredible dark dregs…yes, of mud, ever possible in life…my method is essentially very simple: for each thing that comes up I say, `here, Lord, it’s for you; change it; transform it.” So, we follow Her example. Whatever comes up, and out, in the Cell-Conscious Breathing, we silently lift up, on inner arms and hands, conveying it to the Supreme, and forgiving ourselves “of” it, not “for” it  (“forgive” is Middle English, translated as give away). We are then ready to cross the golden bridge, the inner span connecting outer reality with inner, sacred matter or the Divine Mother body of ourselves. (5) CELLULAR MEDITATION begins by joining our own golden, divine cells who gather at the golden bridge to meet us. As we cross the bridge in active, moving reverence, golden shaman cells, or guide cells, may come to meet us. When we meet these shaman cells, or dive into the eager, vibrating group of golden cells who are waiting for us, we begin our communication with (6) CELL-TALK, an inner picturing communication with which our beloved, sacred bio-cells hear/see. All subsequent communication between ourselves and the cells during the WELL CELL HEALING experience will be in this picturing language which we can literally understand and know from within the very fabric of our being. The cells themselves communicate this way. All bio cells know every communication in the bio-system by these messages, conveyed instantaneously as subtle images by the subtle cells. (7) BIO-CELLULAR GUIDANCE takes over now. The Divine Mother, through Her lovely cellular emissaries, now carries us on the timeless journey into the area of the body for which we have requested healing, or by inner decision, to the part of the body which requires our attention most. In this area we may observe and participate. We follow the cells. The shaman cells may be directed by one predominant guide cell, which directs or suggests what is needed in this particular instance. We may participate as if we are a cell itself, experiencing what it is to serve the Divine as/in matter with total surrender and self-giving. Or we may simply be directed to watch the cellular working in healing dynamism noting how responsive matter really is, and how plastic. When this healing of the cells and by the cells is complete, we are again directed by the guide cells, and by CELL-TALK (the subtle inner hearing/seeing), that (8) DISCERNMENT MEDITATION is needed. We stop where we are, in that reverential place of cellular transformation. With gratitude, we discern what has occurred. We are not asked to understand it, just to discern it, to notice, to appreciate. As The Mother of Pondicherry used to say, tipping Her hand first one way and then the other, “not this, but that”. It is important for us to discern in order to be thankful for the healing, in order to integrate it into our being, although the action of that integration is up to Her, our Beloved.

Now we return to the golden bridge with the sacred, beloved cells. When we reach the verge of the bridge, preparing to close the healing meditation, we thank these amazing cells, and feel them softly bouncing, vibrating and regarding us with utter sweetness. We CELL-TALK that we can return any time. They CELL-TALK that we are always welcome and they are always ready to be with us in this sacred matter way. Then we bid them farewell, for now, and dance across the golden bridge taking the marvelous healing experience into the so-called normal reality of our body. We carefully re-occupy our body which is in a resting posture. We nudge it lovingly into its waking state again and feel aware that our waking, normal reality is enhanced because of our WELL CELL healing meditation. Indeed, it is true. We can feel it in the very fabric of our being. Bio-cells awakened in this way can never revert to the way things were. Thanks be to the Divine Mother!

Now, let us go on to Side B of this audiotape and experience WELL CELL for ourselves. Please fast-forward the tape to the end to begin Side B.

Well Cell tape, Side B

Hello, my friends. My name is Ariel Browne. I am the founder and co-director of AUR-IENTATION INTEGRAL HEALING CENTER in Atlanta, Georgia.

On Side B of this audiotape, I will be gently guiding you in a WELL CELL self-healing meditation. I have respectfully dedicated this healing technique and this healing tape to our beloved Divine Mother, and I have asked Her to guide you and me, whenever this tape is used for self-healing. Please be aware when you listen to this tape and use it that She is always with you. You may ask Her help whenever you wish, and you may be confident that She tenderly holds you and guides you, or moves swiftly and fiercely in the healing intervention. Both ways are familiar to Her and they should become familiar to you as well.

Please be aware that this WELL CELL guided meditation incorporates pauses and, where appropriate, long silences. It ends with the mantram “Om Namoh Bhagavate,” chanted three times. This mantram signals the official close of WELL CELL audiotape, Side B.

 PREPARATION: please make yourself very comfortable for this WELL CELL experience. Light a white candle as part of your self-care ritual. It symbolizes cleansing, transformation and Spirit. Get yourself good back and neck support; lying down is fine. Cover yourself warmly, if needed, so your body temperature is even. Cover your eyes with an eye pillow if it helps.

We begin with PRAYER SHARING. Take your attention into your heart center, then expand attention from heart center to whole body. Tell yourself to relax, let go, release. Soften and deepen your breathing. Ask yourself what stands in the way of letting go and receiving healing. Whatever it is, imagine you are facing the Divine Mother, telling Her what it is. Imagine Her kind eyes regarding you and Her gentle acknowledgment. Feel yourself know you are completely heard and acknowledged. Breathe it deep into yourself (…aaaaaaaahhh!). Inwardly request that your imagination be activated by the Divine Mother’s presence and that you receive the Grace to authentically connect and be guided by your own divine, sacred cells. Call out to them. The great body of golden cells you encounter may be led by shaman cells, or guide cells. These shaman or guide cells may appear larger than the other bio-cells. As the result of this prayerful knowing with the Divine, bring your hands warmly to a laying-on-hands position: one hand on heart center, one hand on belly. This is Circuit Touch, or C-touch. As we do cellular breathing techniques, you will be asked to move your hand positions. You may be inwardly guided by your own cells to place your hands on other body points. Follow your guidance. Experience your touch as if the Divine Mother is ever so tenderly touching you, healing you. Your own touch makes a circle, or circuit, between the fifth chakra (which is relational/communicative) and your body thus encircling, making round, coming around to Her in a gestural ritual of great significance in self-healing. We now do CELL-CONSCIOUS BREATHING. This is Kriya Yoga type breathing: open-mouthed throughout.

We begin with HEART BREATHS: (keep count of each breath by folding a finger in, if needed) Relax your whole body completely. Close eyes. Relax face. Relax jaws. Open mouth slightly. 10 deep inhalations/exhalations, inhaling first into lungs and then more deeply into belly; exhaling from belly first and then lungs.

One hand is placed warmly over heart-center, the other hand is placed warmly over belly center. Inhale deeply feeling chest rise; continue to inhale deeply to feel belly rise also. With no pause, exhale deeply from belly first, then lungs. Feel belly fall first, then chest falls with exhalation. Keep it very simple. On last breath, use slight hand pressure on belly and chest as you exhale completely, every bit of oxygen. Let us begin. (DO)

Now rest, releasing any residual tension with a gentle breath or two.

CONSCIOUSNESS BREATHS: (keep count of each 10 breaths by folding a finger in, if needed). Move both hands to belly placing them warmly, palms down. Mouth is slightly open; eyes are closed. Inwardly, contemplatively, imagine yourself approaching a beautiful golden bridge, a delicate span you will soon cross to enter the realm of your own sacred matter. With each inhalation and exhalation, move closer to this inner golden bridge. Relax your whole body completely. Relax face. Relax jaws. Open mouth slightly. 100 deep inhalations/exhalations without pausing between breaths. Emphasis is on releasing and relaxing all tensions through exhalation. Now, 100 deep breaths right into the belly and out from the belly. If any tension comes up, without thinking about it, breathe it straight out in the exhalation. On last breath, release every bit of oxygen from belly and lungs. Emphasize with gentle hand pressure on belly. Let us begin. (DO)

Now relax. Release any residual tension with a gentle breath or two. Sometimes first-timers, or even second and third-timers, feel a bit faint from the super-oxygenation of CONSCIOUSNESS BREATHS. The extra oxygen does no harm to the cells. Daily practice of Cell-conscious breathing acclimates the cells to this oxygenation bath quite well. They benefit from it.

If you feel faint or light-headed at first, just pause in the breaths and rest for a moment. Keep you inner focus on the golden bridge. Continue when you feel comfortable.

CELLULAR BREATHS: (keep count of each 10 breaths with finger folded in) Cellular Breaths are just like Consciousness Breaths but at triple-time speed. Relax and release. Mouth slightly open. No pause between breaths, just deep into belly, full out from belly, 100 breaths. On last breath, let every bit of oxygen out of belly/lungs. Emphasize with gentle pressure on belly. Let us begin. (DO) Relax now. Release all remaining residue of tension.

We now entrust ourselves to sacred matter relaxing deeply into inner imagery. We are at the verge of the beautiful golden bridge, beginning to cross it into sacred matter, joining with Divine Mother and beloved, divine cells. The shaman cells approach you and connect with you. You indicate through CELL-TALK (the inner picturing/imaging communication with which the bio-cells communicate with each other) what you wish to heal, or you request Her guidance. The shaman cells understand through CELL-TALK and guide you across the golden bridge. BIO-CELLULAR GUIDANCE takes over here. The Divine Mother, through Her lovely cellular emissaries, now carries you on a timeless journey into the exact place in your body for which you have requested healing, or to which She guides you. This is an inner image and sensing journey, which occurs with outer silence. We will be in silence now, for a time, so that the shaman cells may guide, and you may participate, in reverence. You will be observing and participating at the bio-cellular level so you will see the cells which are calling for healing as your size. Follow the cells. The shaman cells may be directed by one large guide cell. Or all the cells may work as a great, huge team. You may be guided by CELL-TALK to participate as if you are a cell, experiencing what it is to serve the Divine in matter with total surrender and self-giving. You may be directed by CELL-TALK to watch the cellular healing dynamism noting how incredibly responsive matter really is, how plastic.

If you experience any trouble or problem, call out to Her and see Her approach you in Divine concern, attentive to assisting you. Receive.

Now let us be in silence, following bio-cellular guidance.

(silent pause, approximately 15 minutes)

“Beloved!” When healing in the cells and by the cells is complete, the shaman cells, through CELL-TALK, direct us to have DISCERNMENT MEDITATION. We stop where we are, in a reverence for this cellular healing experience in the sacred matter of our own body. With gratitude to Her, we discern what has occurred. We are not asked to understand it, just discern it, notice it and appreciate. It is important for us to discern in order to be thankful for the healing, in order to integrate it into our being, although the action of integration is up to Her, our beloved Mother.

Now we return to the golden bridge in the company of, and still guided by, our golden divine sacred cells. When we reach the verge of the golden bridge, preparing to close this healing meditation, we thank these amazing cells. We feel them softly, delicately connected, bouncing, and vibrating, regarding us with utter sweetness. We CELL-TALK that we can return anytime. They CELL-TALK that we are always welcome and they are always ready to be with us, healing and bringing well-being in the sacred-matter way. Then we bid them farewell, for now, and dance across the golden bridge, shifting dimensions as we do so from all-is-one to normal reality, waking reality, orienting to space and time.

With eyes still closed, we gently nudge our resting body into wakefulness. We are aware that our WELL CELL healing experience enhances our waking and normal reality. We can feel it in the very fabric of our being; we feel our cells still vibrating.

Now we gently ground ourselves in our body, taking care to progress from inner focus to outer focus with no pressure. We open our eyes when we feel moved to do so, letting our gaze rest on whatever eye-cells wish. We may notice enhanced vision, carrying remembrance of cellular seeing. We take some deeeeep breaths (DO!), reanimating ourselves. Now quietly, we anchor our healing with a loving and positive affirmation. It should contain all positive, present-time words. Example: “I am thankful for the cellular healing I experience now in my colon. I feel so whole and loved.” You may end with: “Thanks Be to God,” or “Thank you, Divine Mother,” or “So be it,” or “Amen.” These are just suggestions. It is up to you.

We will close this tape now with The Mother of Pondicherry’s mantram…and with Her blessing: OM NAMOH BHAGAVATE, OM NAMOH BHAGAVATE, OM NAMOH BHAGAVATE.


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